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We are really pleased to announce that our life drawing class has now officially launched!.

This will be a two hour class, offering both clothed and nude models from week to week, with pose durations ranging between 1-25 mins. Following on from the introduction of this session, for those  wanting longer poses, workshops of this nature will be available on weekends, once every 1-2 months, upon demand.

The group is member led and funded; at the end of each month, to ensure that the model and hall costs are covered, members will be required to pay in advance for the upcoming period. Sadly, any missed sessions will be lost, again to make sure costs are always covered from month to month.

The cost for each session will be  £5 minimum and £10 maximum (dependent upon the amount of attendees) .

This will be a non tutored session, however, if you would like any feedback or advice during break periods, please feel very welcome to ask.

Drawing from a live model really cannot be rivalled, it is an historically long standing tradition, and an activity that yields tremendous benefits to your drawing and observation.

The group runs every Thursday evening (unless otherwise stated), from 7pm-9pm, at the Bowman Centre's Community room, Archers Gate Amesbury.

Maximum participants will be capped at 10 people so booking in advance is essential.

These classes are currently on hold.


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